Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Image DPI setting

Here is the important topic of this blog.  How to create TIFF image using java code?  There are various options (APIs) available for tiff image creation using java technology.  You can do this with using different API’s available in java technology.

At the same time when we create the TIFF image, we need to take care of some image operation and information (i.e. image metadata).  We need to maintain the DPI of given image, horizontal and vertical scaling (height and width), maintain the metadata etc.  For this I divided the source code into different parts.  Later you can see the specific topics related to image operation, source code and its explanation.

Image DPI:

In this post I am giving an explanation of DPI setting of an image.  Whenever we do work with image processing one of the biggest things which we need to do is maintaining the DPI of that image or setting the DPI of image.  After converting image into BufferedImage, by default its density of dots per inches will set to 96 dpi.  Cause of this we can not maintain the quality of image.  Less DPI means reduce the density of dot per inches and it directly affect on image quality.  For this we need to set X and Y resolution in an image metadata.

JPEG image DPI setting:

Need to Import Packages:
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;

(SUN Microsystems provided API details of above mentioned classes.  Use Google to search related API on SUN site for detailed information.)

Source Code:
Static Variables:
// static variable for value of X resolution
private static int X_DPI = 200;
// static variable for value of Y resolution
private static int Y_DPI = 200;

void setDPIOfAnInputJPGImage(File inputFile, File outputFile) {
        try {
            // create input buffered image
            BufferedImage image =;
            // create jpegEncode for output image
            JPEGImageEncoder jpegEncoder = JPEGCodec
                    .createJPEGEncoder(new FileOutputStream(outputFile));
            // create jpeg encoder from getting defaul value from input buffered
            // image
            JPEGEncodeParam jpegEncodeParam = jpegEncoder
            // setting up density unit paramter
            // setting up jpeg encode parameter
            // set quality parameter
            jpegEncodeParam.setQuality(0.75f, false);
            // set X-resolution
            // set Y-resolution
            // encode output image
            jpegEncoder.encode(image, jpegEncodeParam);
            // flush the buffer image
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

What more you need to do:
- Create a java class
- Declare the static variable for resolution (DPI is totally depends on the value which provided by user i.e. value of X_DPI and Y_DPI)
- Copy and paste above method inside java class (setDPIOfAnInputJPGImage)
- Write a main method which will pass two File objects to the DPI setting method (first for input image and second for output image)
- Compile and Run the code

Java Media API:

Note:  For detailed information visit SUN Microsystems.  Any query and suggestions from your side will always welcome.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TIFF page extraction using JAI (Java Advanced Imaging)

     One of the most important parts in TIFF image development is multi-page tiff image extraction.  For image processing work, there are number of 3rd party software available in today’s market.  But when things comes to the online image processing work that time, either you write to a code for image operations as per your requirements or use a 3rd party software which support your applications.  Use of 3rd party software is not a good way to develop your application.  This is the only reason I went for our own implementations.
     Working with the DMS (Document Management System) / Document Image Processing, Digital Photography, Defense or Intelligent etc. are always required the image operations.  Multi-page TIFF image extraction is not an important or required part of my DMS project.  But the knowledge of tiff image extraction is a good for future prospects.  There are some parts of the codes available for tiff extraction on web world (just need to do good Google search).  To implement imaging part I decided to go with JAI (Java  Advanced Imaging).  Next topic we will see the advantages of JAI over other imaging APIs.

    At the time of TIFF page extraction, the main thing which we need to care is output image quality.  For me, it’s not important work to extract the pages from tiff image.  Quality is hardly matters as per my requirements.  That’s why I only need to extract the pages in other image type like .jpeg or .png etc.  I had set and used both types for extraction, JPEG for color images and PNG for black and white (binary/bilevel) images.  To maintain the quality of output image means to set the metadata for that image.  e.g. setting DPI of image, bit depth, horizontal and vertical resolutions etc.  I used default metadata for output image which gives 96 dpi horizontal and vertical resolutions. 

JAI (Java Advanced Imaging):
Implements a set of core image processing capabilities.
Include image tiling, regions of interest, and deferred execution.
Offer a set of core image processing operators.
Support image processing using the Java programming Language.

Why JAI?:
JAI offers lots of advantages for developers.
Platform Independent:  JAI applications will run on any machine where Java Virtual Machine is available.  It follows the Java run time library model which provides the platform independence. 

Object-oriented programming:  The API of JAI is object oriented.  It follows the object instantiation, flow of process data, concept of subclasses and parent classes, etc.

High Performance:  Using device independency we can do different types of implementations.  Its possible using JAI API.

Distributed Imaging:  JAI is also well suited as a client-server imaging programming.  Without affecting an object, remote method invocation (RMI) allows java code on a client to invoke method calls which placed in another machine.

Need to Import Packages:

(SUN Microsystems offers detailed API of above mentioned classes.  Use Google to search related API on SUN site for detailed information.)

Source Code:
 * Method for extraction
 * tiffFilePath: path of input tiff image
 * outputFileType: ouput image type (for color
 * image “jpeg” and for bilevel image “png”)
public static void extractMultiPageTiff(String tiffFilePath,
    String outputFileType) throws IOException {

     * create object of RenderedIamge to produce
     * image data in form of Rasters
    RenderedImage renderedImage[], page;
    File file = new File(tiffFilePath);
     * SeekabaleStream is use for taking input from file.
     * FileSeekableStream is not committed part of JAI API.
    SeekableStream seekableStream = new FileSeekableStream(file);
    ImageDecoder imageDecoder = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff",
            seekableStream, null);
    renderedImage = new RenderedImage[imageDecoder.getNumPages()];

    /* count no. of pages available inside input tiff file */
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < imageDecoder.getNumPages(); i++) {
        renderedImage[i] = imageDecoder.decodeAsRenderedImage(i);

    /* set output folder path */
    String outputFolderName;
    String[] temp = null;
    temp = tiffFilePath.split("\\.");
    outputFolderName = temp[0];
     * create file object of output folder
     * and make a directory
    File fileObjForOPFolder = new File(outputFolderName);

     * extract no. of image available inside
     * the input tiff file
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        page = imageDecoder.decodeAsRenderedImage(i);
        File fileObj = new File(outputFolderName
                + "/" + (i + 1) + ".jpg");
         * ParameterBlock create a generic
         * interface for parameter passing
        ParameterBlock parameterBlock = new ParameterBlock();
        /* add source of page */
        /* add o/p file path */
        /* add o/p file type */
        /* create output image using JAI filestore */
        RenderedOp renderedOp = JAI.create("filestore",

Java Advanced Imaging API:
Java Advanced Imaging Website:
Programming in JAI (Guide for developers):

Note:  Detailed information regarding JAI topic is available on SUN site. If you have any better idea or knew any simple and better solution than this, please share it with the blog topic.  Suggestions from your side are always welcome.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

TIFF Developement In Java

This blog only contains my own work experience in R&D and development related to TIFF image files using Java technology. It contains only some basic information and operations. This post provides basic idea about Tagged Image File Format. I spend lots of time for completion of this task and I think this is very useful for new java image developer. Adobe provides you everything related to TIFF image (specification, developer resources, libraries etc.), only thing you need to do is code as per your requirement. Later on I will add the development and implementation part of TIFF extraction and TIFF creation. For detail specification, you can visit the official links present in reference section at the end of this document.

Tiff (Tagged Image File Format):
One of the most popular and flexible image file formats used in web world is TIFF. This format is originally developed by company Aldus (now Adobe System). Adobe System now holds the official copyright to the TIFF image specification. The TIFF format is the standard in DMS (document management systems) using its most popular compression scheme CCITT Group IV 2D compression, which supports black and white images.
To save the storage capacity in high volume storage scanning, documents are scanned in bitonal format (black and white) rather than color or gray scale. Suitable file format with different and lossless compression scheme for today’s World Wide Web. Tiff is supported by the number of imaging software, applications and word processors. It can save multi-page documents to a single TIFF file rather than saving separate files. Tiff formats are also useful for transporting image files from one application to another or from one machine to another as they are designed to be independent of any particular hardware or software.

File Format Information:
(Image File Format)
- Code : TIFF
- File Extension : .tiff, .tif
- Media type : image/tiff, image/tiff-fx
- Compression : lossless
- Pixel Supported : a. 1 – 64 bit integer, signed/unsigned.
b. 32/64 bit IEEE floating point.
- Capability : black and white, grayscale, palette color and full color image data
- Developed by : Aldus (now Adobe Systems)

Why TIFF Development:
As per the development point of view-
- Flexible and platform-independent image format for development and storage.
- TIFF provides lossless image creation and compressions.
- Supported by the number of image manipulation software.
- Developers can use their private (own) tags in TIFF.
- Developers can include the own information inside the TIFF file.
- Saves storage space when required to store huge scanned data.
- Ignore developers’ private tags whenever not recognized by TIFF reader.
- Store multiple images within a single file.
- Developer can choose the best color scheme as per requirement.
- Don’t need a license from Adobe for Implementation of TIFF reading & writing applicaiton.
- Adobe provides full TIFF specification for download.

Color space and compression scheme:
TIFF allows for a wide range of different compression schemes and color spaces.
TIFF ImageWriter contain following compression types:
- Only applicable for Black and White Images (i.e. bilevel/binary images)
Modified Huffman compression
- Only applicable for Black and White Images (i.e. bilevel/binary images)
- Only applicable for Black and White Images (i.e. bilevel/binary images).
- Lossless Compression
- Use for maintain quality of image not for compression
- Lossy compression
- Reduced file size to minimum
- Applicable for grayscale (1-band) and RGB (3-band) images only
- Deflate compression except value.
- Default lossless compression with RGB color space.
- Lossless compression (same as LZW)
- Use for maintain quality of image not for compression
- Regular JPEG compressed image
- TIFF with no compression.

Main Advantages and Disadvantage:
- Lossless Compression
- Platform independent
- Good compression types
- Less space required for storage
- Difficult to store
- Large file format
- Ambiguity in some compression types (e.g. JPEG compression)

- For TIFF Specification, TIFF Registration and TIFF developer resources:
- LibTIFF Home Page:
- For future development:

Note: Please fill free to comment on this topic. Suggestions and questions from your side are always welcome.